Akif Ufuk


We have the power to produce solutions for all your needs with our experts and experienced staff.


Mr. Ufuk has held site operation positions, contract and project management positions with firms for over 20 years. Throughout his professional life, he has gained extensive experience in site operations and project management with specific focus on contract forms, contract and correspondence preparation, contract-claim management, scheduling and delay analysis, cost control and cost management.

Mr. Ufuk has experience in infrastructure projects such as dam and railway, and in superstructure projects such as medical house and buildings, located in several countries such as Turkey, Albania, Romania, Iraq, Afghanistan as Site Engineer & Manager, Quality System Manager, technical office engineer and manager, planning & cost control engineer, contract & claim consultant.

Continuing his career, he took responsibilities in all aspects of project and contract-claim management including contractual advise, quantum and extension of time claim preparations, schedule and delay analysis, arbitration/ litigation assistance and cost management.

Mr. Ufuk holds a BSc degree in Civil Engineering of Dokuz Eylul University. He is a Member of Chamber of Civil Engineers, Adana. Mr. Ufuk has residency in Turkey.

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